发布日期:2016-04-08 16:20 点击:98 次
Facility Self-Assessment Package
2200 Wilson Boulevard Suite 601 Arlington, VA 22201 United States
Tel.: 703-243-0970 Fax: 703-243-8247
Submit 1 copy of the completed package to the monitoring company selected to conduct the audit, and 1 copy to WRAP
Worldwide Responsible Acredited Prodution (WRAP)
I. Facility Information
Name of Production Facility:
Manufacturer ID number:
(This number is either the official tax number or manufacturer/industry identification number issued to the facility by the appropriate government authority.)
Production Facility Physical Location Address:
Mailing Address:
Telephone #: Fax#:
电话: 传真:
Year Facility Was Established:
Number of Year Facility Has Been in Operation at This Location:
Number of Buildings Facility Occupies and Uses:
Are there any plans for this Facility to relocate:
If yes, Please indicate the date the relocation may occure:
II. Facility Contact Information
Contact Person:
Title of Contact Person::
E-mail Address:
Telephone #: Fax #:
III.Facility Business Information
Name of Facility Manager:
Type of articles Produced: 工厂生产产品的类型:
Number of Employees at this Facility:
Full time contracted employees:
Short term contract employees: Please state length of contract:
合同工人数: 请说明合同有效期:
Agency supplied and paid employees:
Language(s) spoken by management and workers at the facility:
Street Address of Dormitories (if applicable):
IV. For Recertification Factories Only:
Has your facility moved locations (or changed addresses) since the last WRAP audit?
If yes, please state the OLD address and the NEW address:
Has your facility had any recent construction or building additions since the last WRAP audit?
Yes No
自上次WRAP审核以来,工厂是否有新建的建筑:是 否
If yes, please provide a description of the structural changes:
Has this facility had an increase in workers since the last WRAP audit? Yes No
自上次WRAP审核以后工厂是否员工数量有增加?Yes No
If yes, please state the reason for the increase:
Name: Title:
姓名: 职位:
Signature: Date:
签名: 日期:
Principle 1. Compliance with Laws and Workplace Regulations: Facilities will comply
with laws and regulations in all locations where they conduct business.
Note: The facility must have documented policies and procedure supporting all WRAP principles.
1.1 Does your facility obtain current information on all relevant laws and regulations concerning each of the Principles? Do you promptly incorporate this information in its business practices?
1.1企业是否获取与每项WRAP生产原则有关的国家和当地法律及法规的最新资料?这些法律法规 是否即刻被采纳执行?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
1.1a Do you have policies and procedures for current information on national and local laws and regulations on each of the WRAP Principles?
l General labor law一般劳工法令 Yes No
l Relevant international trade law 相关国际贸易法令 Yes No
l Minimum ages for employment and related restrictions最低雇用年龄及有关限制 Yes No
l Wages and hours 工资及工时 Yes No
l Employment discrimination 雇用歧视 Yes No
l Health and safety standards健康及安全标准 Yes No
l Freedom of association and collective bargaining 结社自由及集体谈判 Yes No
l Environmental standards and compliance 环境管理标准及履行情况 Yes No
l Customs and Compliance 遵守海关政策 Yes No
l Security 安全规定 Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
1.2 Do you have a qualified person responsible for informing the facility of changes to laws and regulations, or access to current publications on national and local labor laws? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
1.3 Does your facility update its practices to incorporate revisions to existing laws and regulations in a timely manner? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
1.4 Does the facility undertake internal monitoring of its management system (internal audits) to satisfy itself that the written procedures and processes are meeting the requirements of local law and WRAP principles?
Yes No
1.4企业是否对管理系统进行内部监督(内部审核),以使书面程序和进程符合当地法规和WRAP原 则的要求?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
1.5 During the previous two years has the facility has had any notices of noncompliance levied against the facility, including any legal proceedings or outstanding allegations concerning the facilities operations. Yes No
1.5在过去两年内,企业是否有收到有关当局发出的不符合规定的任何通知,包括任何有关企业经 营的法律程序或指控?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
1.6a Does the facility have a program to train relevant individuals regarding the changes for any new laws or revisions to existing laws and regulations? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
1.6bAre the materials used for this purpose appropriate? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
1.7List the exceptions to all relevant laws, rules, and regulations other than those specifically documented elsewhere in this report:
1.8 Does your facility have a written operating policy manual that includes the following: all relevant laws and regulations pertaining to the Principles, facility’s policies and procedures pertaining to the Principles, routine updates for revisions to existing laws and regulations? Yes No
1.8工厂是否有成文的运营政策手册并包括以下内容:与WRAP各项原则相关的国家及当地法律法规; 与WRAP各项原则相关的工厂政策及措施; 定期更新现存法律法规的修订版本
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
1.9 Does the facility sub-contract any of its production operations? Yes No
Note: Sub-contracting could be but not limited to: Part of the primary production processes or services offered as an end result by the facility.
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
1.10 Does the facility sub-contract any other operations? Yes No
Note: Sub-contracting could be but not limited to: factory cleaning services, canteen services, worker accommodation, goods shipping, home workers, employment agencies or security services.
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
1.11 How has the facility informed the sub-contractor of their obligations under the local labor law and WRAP Principle requirements? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
1.12 Does the facility keep evidence of how any sub-contractor has been made aware of these requirements?
Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
1.13 Does the facility keep evi receipt of sub-contractor acknowledgement of these requirements? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
1.14 Does the facility regularly review its list of sub-contractors to make sure it is up to date? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
Principle 2. Prohibition of Forced Labor: Facilities will not use involuntary, forced or
trafficked labor.
原则2. 禁止使用强制劳工:企业不得使用非自愿、强制或非法贩卖劳工。
Note: The facility must have documented policies and procedures supporting all WRAP principles.
2.1 Does your facility have a qualified person responsible for communicating, deploying, and monitoring the practices of effectively prohibiting involuntary or forced labor? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
2.2 Does your facility have a program and materials used to train relevant individuals, including all individuals responsible for the hiring process, on the facility’s policies and procedures prohibiting forced or involuntary labor? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
2.3 Are all employees working at your facility voluntarily? Yes No
2.3 是否所有员工都是自愿到企业工作?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
2.4 Are employees’ movements restricted? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
2.5 Are there exaggerated security measures or logistics being employed in your facility? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
如否,请详细解释: 2.6 Do security personnel act in a non-threatening manner? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
2.7 Are security guards posted for normal security reasons, in a proportionately logical number? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
2.8 Are the doors and gates of your facility only locked for normal business and housing security reasons and in compliance with applicable local and national fire codes? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
2.9 Does the facility prohibits all relevant individuals, including any person under the facility's direction, such as security guards, form coercing employees in any way, or unnecessarily limiting employees' freedom of movements. Yes No
2.9企业是否禁止所有相关人员强迫员工或不必要地限制员工行动自由,包括企业管理下的所有人 如保安?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
2.10 Is employee freedom of movement unimpeded upon their shift's conclusion? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
2.11 Does the facility require all hiring documents, such as an employment application or contract to,
1) include a statement affirming that applicants are seeking employment voluntarily and are not under threat of any penalty, 2) be signed by each applicant, and 3) be maintained in the employee’s personnel file?
2)由每位应聘者签字 3)保存于员工个人档案
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
2.12 Does the facility obtain proof that anyone seeking employment is legally entitled to work in the
country of manufacture in accordance with national immigration laws? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
2.13 Does the facility obtain an executed statement from all labor brokers/agents used by the facility stating that the brokers/agents are not supplying labor that is involuntary or forced and has the right to work in this country? Yes No
2.10 企业是否有雇用中介人/劳务公司的有效声明,说明中介人/机构没有提供非自愿或强制劳工 并且所提供劳工有权利在本国工作?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
2.14 Are all security service agreements free of any language or terminology that may imply the existence of forced, indentured or involuntary labor conditions? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
2.15 Do the job descriptions or individual contracts for security employees limit their tasks to normal security matters such as protection of facility property or facility personnel? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
2.16 Does your facility issue wages/compensation directly to employees, in an unambiguous system that clearly shows that the employee controls the destination of his/her wages, and access to his/her wages? Yes No
2.16 企业是否直接向员工支付工资/福利,并通过系统清楚显示员工控制他/她的工资去向以及使 用权限?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
2.17 Does your facility hold the identification papers, travel documents, or passports of your employees?
Yes No
If yes, is it at the request of the employee with the employee maintaining complete access? Yes No
如是,是否是应员工要求,并且员工可 以自由取走?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
2.18 Does your facility require any employee deposits or have any withholding payment practices?
Yes No
2.18 工厂是否有过克扣员工的工资行为?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
2.19 What is your facility’s policy on use/non-use of prison labor with regard to relevant law and industry standard?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
2.20 Are all work contracts signed by both parties (employer and employees)? Yes No
2.20 所有劳动合同是否由雇主和雇员双方签字?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
Principle 3. Prohibition of Child Labor: Facilities will not hire any employee under the
age of 14 or under the minimum age established by law for employment, whichever is greater, or any employee whose employment would interfere with compulsory schooling.
原则 3: 禁止聘用童工:企业不得雇用任何未满14岁或未满接受义务教育最高年龄,或法令规定最低劳动年龄的员工 (以上述各项其中最高的年龄为准)。
Note: The facility must have documented policies and procedure supporting all WRAP principles.
3.1 How does your facility manage the hiring process? Include how your facility documents the age of potential employees with official country specific documents (e.g., birth certificates, identification cards, school records and/or immigration papers, medical records). Yes No
3.1工厂如何管理其招聘程序,用官方指定文件记录待聘工人年龄(如出生证明、身份证、教育背景和/ 或移民证件、医疗单)?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
3.2 Does your facility obtain proof of age documentation from all potential workers and review the documentation for authenticity prior to hiring? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
3.3 Does your facility retain proof of age for each employee and maintain the information in the employee’s personnel file for the length of time as required by law? Yes No
3.3. 工厂是否获取并保存每个工人的年龄证明文件并在员工档案里保留关于员工工龄的信息?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
3.4 Does your facility assess the authenticity of age documentation and make comparisons with sample documents?
Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
3.5 Does your facility ascertain the employee’s stated age through the interview process? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
3.6 Does your facility document the existence of an employment interview (e.g. a checklist indicating that the required questions were asked of the applicant)? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
3.7 Does your facility require a completed and signed employment application or contract that includes the date of birth (inclusive of the employee signature, employee identification number and signature date)? Yes No
3.7企业是否要求一份完整并签字的雇用申请或合同,包括出生日期(内有员工签名,身份证号码 和签名日期)
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
3.8 Does your facility have a formally designated, qualified person with responsibility for communicating, deploying and monitoring child labor practices as they relate to the above requirements? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
3.9 Does your facility’s responsible person ensure that employee’s assigned tasks are appropriate for their age, where applicable? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
3.10 Do communications made to all facility employees regarding child labor policies and procedures address each of the following requirements?
a. Proof of age documentation from all potential workers prior to hiring. Yes No
a.在聘用所有待聘工人前, 获取待聘工人的年龄证明文件。
b. Examination of the authenticity of age documentation. Yes No
b. 仔细审核年龄证明文件的真实性。
c. Question the authenticity of age documentation not conforming to facility practices. Yes No
c. 对与工厂政策不同的年龄证明文件提出质疑。
d. Age documentation retained in employee personnel files. Yes No
d. 工人个人档案中有年龄证明文件。
e. Interviews with all prospective employees. Yes No
e. 面试所有待聘员工。
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
3.11 Do the programs and materials used to train relevant individuals on the child labor practices, including all individuals responsible for the hiring process, cover the requirements to: obtain age documentation, review age documentation for authenticity, and interview all prospective employees? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
Principle 4. Prohibition of Harassment or Abuse: Facilities will provide a work
environment free of supervisory or co-worker harassment or abuse, and free of corporal punishment in any form.
原则 4.禁止骚扰或虐待劳工:企业须提供一个不存在任何形式来自管理者或同事骚扰、虐待和体罚的工作环境。
Note: The facility must have documented policies and procedure supporting all WRAP principles.
4.1 Does your facility have a written policy on the prohibition of harassment, abuse, and corporal punishment?
Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
4.2 Has your facility formally designated a qualified person with the responsibility for communicating, deploying, and monitoring the harassment and abuse policies and procedures as prescribed by labor law? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
4.3Are the definition(s) of the non-compliant behavior(s) and management policy(ies) towards them consistent with the intent to prohibit all forms of this behavior? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
4.4 Does the policy include reasonable punitive repercussions for non-compliance and repeated non-compliance? The policy must apply to the behavior of all employees with special emphasis placed upon supervisory personnel.
Yes No
44政策是否包括对违反和多次违反此原则采取合理的惩罚?政策必须用于规范所有员工的行为尤 其应强调管理人员。
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
4.5 Does your facility have signed statements by your facility’s management affirming their understanding of the facility’s anti-harassment and abuse policies? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
4.6 Does your facility effectively prohibit all forms of harassment, abuse, and corporal punishment in written policies and procedures? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
4.7 Does your facility communicate the policy on the prohibition of harassment and abuse to workers, and third party services (e.g., security guards, kitchen services) that will have significant contact with facility employees?
Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
4.8a Does your facility encourage employees to report instances of harassment or abuse, without fear of retribution? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
4.8b If any incidents of harassment or abuse were reported, were they resolved in a timely manner?
Yes No
4.8b 是否有骚扰虐待的事件上报,它们是否得到及时的处理?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
4.9 Is there an effective and mandatory program to train relevant individuals, including all individuals responsible for the supervision of workers, on the facility’s policies and procedures prohibiting all forms of harassment, abuse, and corporal punishment? Yes No
4.9企业是否有有效的强制项目对相关人员进行有关企业禁止所有形式骚扰、虐待和体罚的政策程 序培训,包括所有负责监管人员?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
Principle 5. Compensation and Benefits: Facilities will pay at least the minimum total
compensation required by local law, including all mandated wages, allowances &
原则5. 符合薪酬与福利规定:企业须最少支付员工当地法令规定的最低报酬,包括所有指定工资、津贴和福利。
Note: The facility must have documented policies and procedure supporting all WRAP principles.
5.1 Does your facility have a formally designated qualified person with responsibility for communicating, deploying and monitoring the payroll and benefit system and ensuring that the wage rates and compensation calculations are adequately communicated to all workers in the facility? Yes No
5.1企业是否正式指定专人负责沟通、实施和监督工资福利系统,并确保将工资薪酬的计算充分传 达给所有员工?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
5.2 Does your facility have practices to ensure employees are compensated consistent with their terms of employment and in accordance with local laws and regulations? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
5.3 Does the lowest record of payment by your facility meet (or exceed) the legal minimum compensation?
Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
5.4 Does your facility post legal minimum wage rates, benefit policies, and additional payment information in the native language(s) of the facility workers? Yes No
5.4企业是否在显眼地方张贴(用员工和管理人员的母语)有关最低工资率、福利政策及其它报酬 的信息?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
5.5 Does your facility utilize and maintain an organized system of record keeping? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
5.6a Does your facility produce and retain payroll records to support compensation, including overtime?
Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
5.6b In case your facility pays its employees through wire transfers, do you produce and retain proof of bank statements showing all the transactions in a verifiable way? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
5.7 Does your facility provide all employees with a pay record or stub which lists the components of the wages paid? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
5.8 Are all legally mandated withholdings (e.g., taxes, social security, etc) remitted to the government?
Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
5.9 Are there any piece rate workers in the facility? Yes No
If Yes, please explain:
5.10 Does your facility have a written and coherent policy on piece rate compensation that ensures the piece rate compensation at least satisfies the minimum compensation prescribed by law? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
5.11 Do employees sign off on material counts or random independent recounts for piece rate systems?
Yes No
5.11员工是否签字同意计件工资系统统计的物料数 量或随机重新计算的件数?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
5.12 Are employees provided with adequate communication of their legally mandated minimum compensation rights? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
5.13 Does the policy communication include:
a.a detailed description of the employees’ compensation and benefits at the time of employment? Yes No
b.both a written and verbal explanation of wage calculations provided at the time of employment?
Yes No
c. changes to compensation rates or methods of wage calculations communicated timely and effectively?
Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
Principle 6. Hours of Work: Hours worked each day, and days worked each week, shall
not exceed the limitations of the country’s law. Facilities will provide at least one day off in every seven-day period, except as required to meet urgent business needs.
Note: The facility must have documented policies and procedures supporting all WRAP principles.
6.1 Does the facility have a formally designated qualified person with responsibility for communicating, deploying and monitoring that no employee works more hours per day, per week than the legal limits?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
6.2 Does the facility have a program and relevant materials to train all individuals, including all individuals responsible for production coordination and scheduling, to ensure that employees work no more than the legal maximum, including overtime ceilings?
6.2企业是否有项目和相关资料对所有人员进行培训,包括所有负责生产协调和安排的人员,以确 保员工工作时间没有超过法定最高限制,包括加班上限?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
6.3 At the time of hiring, are employees made aware of facility policies and procedures, specifically the legal limitations on the maximum hours of work per day, week and month, both regular and overtime, and the maximum number of consecutive days they can legally be required to work?
6.3员工在被雇用时是否已被告知企业的政策和程序,尤其是每日、每周和每月最多工作时数的法 律限制,正常工作和加班时间,以及法定最多连续工作天数?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
6.4 Does your facility retains time records that reflect the day and date employees worked, the number of hours worked each day, and the employees’ acknowledgements?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
6.5 Does the facility have a written, rational and well communicated policy defining "urgent business needs"?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
6.6 Are notifications of maximum regular and overtime hour policies visibly posted in the native language(s) of the facility's workers and management personnel?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
6.7 Does your facility require that all new workers, at the time of hiring, be made aware of the facility’s policies on required hours of labor?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
Principle 7. Prohibition of Discrimination: Facilities will employ, pay, promote, and terminate workers on the basis of their ability to do the job, rather than on the basis of personal characteristics or beliefs.
Note: The facility must have documented policies and procedures supporting all WRAP principles.
7.1 Does your facility have a written policy that explicitly prohibits discrimination? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
7.2 Does your facility have procedures and practices to ensure compliance and remediation with the facility policy? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
7.3 Does your facility have a written policy visibly posted in the language(s) of the employees and management personnel? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
7.4 Does your facility have a formally designated qualified person with responsibility for communicating, deploying, and monitoring the non-discrimination policy? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
7.5 Does your facility have an effective program and materials used to train relevant individuals, including all individuals responsible for the supervisions of workers and for the hiring process, on the discrimination practices? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
7.6 Are the facility’s policy, practices and procedures on discriminatory behavior effectively communicated to all employees? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
7.7 Does your facility effectively communicate in writing the requirements of this Principle to third parties (industrial parks, export processing zones, free trade zones, sub-contractors etc.) that may recruit and screen applicants on its behalf? Yes No
7.7企业是否把这项原则的要求以书面形式有效传达给可能代您招聘或筛选应聘者的第三方(工业 园、出口加工区、自由贸易区、分包商等)?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
7.8 Has your facility had any discrimination charges filed against it by employees, regulatory agencies or any outside agency during the past two years? Yes No
7.8 在过去两年中,工厂员工、监管机构或任何外界机构是否就歧视现象指控过工厂?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
7.9 Does your facility explicitly prohibit mandatory pregnancy testing as a condition of employment or continued employment? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
7.10 Are workers with the same job and seniority paid the same rate, irrespective of gender, age, or other characteristics? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
7.11 Do employees sign statements (statements may be included in an employment application or contract), written in the native language(s) of the employees, affirming their receipt and understanding of the facility’s anti- discrimination practices? Yes No
7.11员工是否用母语签署声明(声明可能包含在雇用申请或合同中),确定他们知道并理解企业反 歧视措施?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
Principle 8. Health and Safety: Facilities will provide a safe and healthy work
environment. Where residential housing is provided for workers, facilities will provide safe and healthy housing.
Note: The facility must have documented policies and procedures supporting all WRAP principles.
8.1 Does your facility comply with all relevant health and safety laws and regulations? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
8.2 Does your facility have all relevant government health, safety , and fire safety certificates/permits, insurance policies and any relevant correspondence or documents from government officials? Yes No
8.2 是否所有的国家和当地政府颁布的健康安全和消防安全合格证书及保险和其它相关的文件是否合格有序?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
8.3 Does your facility undertake internal monitoring of your health and safety systems, including fire safety, to ensure you are following the written procedures and processes and meeting the requirements of all relevant laws?
Yes No
8.3 工厂是否对健康安全系统进行内部审核, 包括消防安全以确保工厂符合成文法规和程序,达到当地和国家的法规要求?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
8.4 Have risk assessments been carried out throughout your facility, including fire risk assessments?
Yes No
8.4 工厂是否进行了风险评估,包括火灾危险评估?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
8.5 If there were any risks or deficiencies that were identified by the health, safety and fire risk assessment, were they corrected? Yes No
8.5 如果实行了风险评估,是否在健康与安全和火灾危险评估中发现任何潜在的风险或是缺陷?它们得以纠正没?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
8.6 Does your facility conduct regular occupational health checks for hazardous job duties? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
8.7Does your facility have a formally designated qualified person with responsibility for communicating, deploying and monitoring all health, safety, and fire safety policies and practices? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
8.8 Does your facility track health, safety, and fire incidents? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
8.9 Does your facility have a program and materials to train relevant individuals, including all individuals responsible for the supervision of workers, on all of the relevant occupational health and safety issues?
Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
8.10 Does your facility have a written safety program, including written procedures to handle natural disasters, fire safety, and emergencies and industrial accidents? Yes No
8.10 工厂是否有成文的安全程序,包括成文的处理自然灾害,消防计划和紧急事件的程序?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
8.11 Are the following safetydocuments maintained by your facility: 工厂是否备有下列有关安全的文件:
a. Health and safety reports? 健康及安全报告 Yes No
b. Heavy machinery inspection? 重型机械检查(锅炉、空压机等)Yes No
c. Maintenance reports? 维修报告Yes No
d. Fire extinguisher records, noting date of inspection and expiration? 灭火器记录,注明检查及有效日期Yes No
e. Emergency drill records, noting date and detailed results? 紧急事故演习记录,注明日期与详细结果Yes No
f. Work injury reports? 工伤报告Yes No
g. Clinic logs, noting date and reason for visit? 诊所到访记录,注明日期与到访原因Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
8.12 Have any government agencies inspected your facility for compliance with safety and health regulations during the past two years? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
8.13 Does your facility address the following occupational health and safety needs required by the relevant laws and regulations for the following:
a. Heat stress/extreme temperatures? 热应力Yes No
b. Paint spray/spot cleaning booths? 油漆喷涂/漆点清洁间Yes No
c. Welding safety? 焊接安全Yes No
d. Respirator safety? 呼吸器安全Yes No
e. Blood borne pathogen program? 血源性病原体控制措施Yes No
f. Hearing (noise control program)? 听力(噪音控制措施) Yes No
g. Indoor air quality? 室内空气质量Yes No
h. Cotton dust ventilation? 棉尘通风Yes No
i. Sanitary waste disposal? 卫生废弃物处理Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
8.14 Does a visual inspection of your entire facility premises suggest any concerns about the physical integrity of the facility? Yes No
8.14 观察整个工厂范围,关于工厂的物理完整性是否还有建议?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
8.15 What is the overall general appearance of your facility: excellent, good, fair, or unacceptable?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
8.16 Is the overall general appearance of the maintenance shop acceptable and not in a condition that can cause serious injury or harm? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
8.17Is trash properly disposed of both inside and outside the facility? Yes No
8.17 工厂内外垃圾是否得到适当处理?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
8.18 Are the toilets and washrooms in your facility in sanitary and serviceable condition and meeting minimum quantity required established by relevant law? Yes No
8.18 工厂的卫生间是否安全卫生,是否处于可用的状态,是否已有卫生间的数量达到了相关法律所规定的最低数?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
8.19 Are exits unlocked during times when the facility is occupied to allow free, unobstructed exit from the facility? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
8.20 Are any aisles blocked or restricting easy access to emergency exits? Yes No
8.20 工厂是否有走廊及/或出口被堵塞,妨碍工人迅速通往紧急出口?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
8.21a Has your facility appropriately identified areas that, for fire safety purposes, should be designated as “non-smoking”? Yes No
8.21a 考虑防火安全问题工厂是否适当的标识“请勿吸烟”?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
8.21b. Is your facility properly enforcing the “non-smoking” policy for areas so designated? Yes No
8.21b 工厂是否在特定区域强制执行“请勿吸烟”的政策?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
8.22a Does your facility maintain first aid supplies as required by law or if no legal requirement exists, as recommended by a local medical provider? Yes No
8.22a 工厂是否依照法律要求留有应急供应品,如若不存在法律要求,有没有当地医疗供应商所推荐的应急供应品?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
8.22b. Are these first aid supplies available and accessible to all areas of the facility? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
8.23 Is there clean drinking water and is it easily accessible at the facility? Yes No
8.23 在工厂是否有易取得的干净的饮用水?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
8.24 Is drinking water provided at no cost to employees? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
8.25 Is your facility’s crèche/child-care area operated and maintained in a safe and healthy manner?
Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
8.26 Is your facility’s canteen/cafeteria operated and maintained in a safe and healthy manner? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
8.27Does your facility conduct hazard assessments to determine if any personal protective equipment is required?
Yes No
8.27 企业是否进行危险评估,以决定是否需要个人防护设备?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
8.28 If personal protective equipment is required, is it provided to affected employees, at no cost? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
8.29 Are the PPE appropriate and adequate for the workers’ job and in good condition? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
8.30 Is there a qualified electrician in your facility responsible for maintaining electrical safety? If not, what is the facility doing to ensure electrical safety? Yes No
8.30 工厂是否有专业的电工来维护电路安全?如果没有,工厂是如何确保用电安全?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
8.31Does a visual inspection of the wiring indicate good general condition of the cabling, tidiness, and no exposed or loose wires? Yes No
8.31. 线路检查是否检查线路处于良好的状态、整齐、没有暴露或是松散的电线?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
8.32 Does a visual inspection of the electrical boxes and cabinets verify: complete enclosures with covers provided, switches and outlets maintained in good working order, and all knockout/trips are in place? Yes No
8.32. 所有的电箱和电柜是否:配备了盖子完全覆盖好了、开关和插座处于良好的状态没有损坏和临时修补的状况、所有的启动的位置是否合适?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
8.33 Does your facility maintain a safety committee comprised of workers and management, which holds quarterly meetings and keeps minutes of proceedings? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
8.34 Does your facility conduct an orientation health and safety and fire training for all new employees?
Yes No
8.34 工厂是否对所有员工进行有针对性的健康与安全和消防培训?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
8.35 Does the training cover the following in regards to fire safety?
8.35 这些训练关于消防安全方面是否包含以下方面:
a. workers are informed of the locations of fire alarm pull and button stations Yes No
b. workers are informed of the locations of fire extinguishers in and near their work area Yes No
b. 工人知道距离他们附近灭火器的位置
c. workers have specific training concerning the dangers of smoke inhalation Yes No
c. 针对烟尘危害工人受到特殊培训
d. workers are informed of location of nearest exits and assembly points Yes No
d. 工人知道最近的出口和安全场地位置
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
8.36 Is employee training conducted for first aid and safety? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
8.37 Are first aid responders/emergency safety personnel identified and properly trained? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
8.38 Have selected employees been trained on the proper use of firefighting equipment? Yes No
8.38 是否被选择的员工接受过正确的使用灭火器的训练?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
8.39Have all employees who have any contact with chemicals been trained on how to safely handle and dispose of the specific chemicals and eliminate fire risk? Yes No
8.39 是否所有要接触化学品的员工都接受过如何安全的处理这些特殊化学品及排除火灾危险的训练?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
8.40Are MSDS available (in appropriate language(s)) for all chemicals used by the facility? Yes No
8.40 是否所有工厂所用的化学品都配有MSDS(用合适的语言)
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
8.41 Does your facility have an emergency evacuation plan in the native language posted in view of the facility's workers? Yes No
8.41 工厂是否有紧急疏散逃生图,以工人母语书写,并张贴在显眼处让工人阅读?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
8.42 Does your facility conduct regular emergency evacuation drills (at least semi-annual)? Yes No
8.42 工厂是否(至少)每半年进行一次消防演习?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question and list the dates of the two most recent
If No, please explain:
8.43 Does the facility have adequate numbers and locations of unimpeded emergency exits that open outwards and lead to a safe assembly point? Yes No
8.43 工厂是否有足够通畅的紧急出口可以通向外面安全场地?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
8.44Is the following safety equipment:以下的安全设备是:
a. visible? 易见的 Yes No
b. appropriate in functionality and number? 数量合适Yes No
c. properly distributed throughout the facility? 合理的分布在工厂的各处Yes No
d. easily accessible? 易取得Yes No
e. properly mounted? 合理安装好Yes No
f. unblocked and free of obstruction? 没有上锁,没有堵住Yes No
g. fire extinguishers are appropriate for the class(es) of fires expected in the area? Yes? 适合各层火灾可能发生场地Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
8.45 Are the fire-fighting water hoses and connections in usable condition? Yes No
8.45 消防水管和接口处是否是可用的?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
8.46 Does your facility have appropriate measures to ensure adequate water pressure for fire-fighting water hoses and sprinkler systems? Yes No
8.46 工厂是否有合适的措施来能确保足够的水压提供给消防水管和喷淋系统?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
Sprinkler Valves 喷淋系统
8.47 Are sprinkler valves in good working order? Yes No
8.47 洒水器的阀门是否处于可用状态?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
8.48 Are all sprinkler heads kept unobstructed from storage or other materials? Yes No
8.48 所有的喷水头是否没有被其它物质堵塞
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
Fire Alarm Boxes 警铃箱
8.49a Are fire alarms clear, unobstructed, and identified? Yes No
8.49a 警铃声音清晰,没有堵塞,经过检测?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
8.49b Does the facility have a test schedule for all fire alarm boxes? Yes No
8.49b. 工厂是否对有所有的火灾报警箱的测试进度表?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question and describe how the facility maintains this schedule. 阐述工厂是如何维护这些进度表的。
If No, please explain:
8.50 Are combustible scrap, debris, and waste materials stored in covered metal receptacles, and removed from the work site promptly? If not, explain how they are stored. Yes No
8.50 已用过的碎布残片没用的材料是否储存在有盖的金属容器中,并且及时移除工厂场地?如果没有,解释他们是怎么储存的。
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
8.51 Are lighting and alarm systems adequate and fitted with back-up systems? Yes No
8.51 是否光照充足,警报系统符合后备系统
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
Emergency Lighting 应急照明
8.52a Is appropriate lighting in place in yourfacility? Yes No
8.52a 工厂是否合适的光照
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
8.52b Is the emergency power system working and in good condition? Yes No
8.52b. 应急电源系统是否处于可用状态?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
8.52c Does the facility regularly conduct tests to ensure the system is functioning properly? Yes No
8.52c 工厂是否定期进行测试以确保这个系统正确运作?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
Stairwells 楼梯间
8.53a Are all stairwell handrails in good condition? Yes No
8.53a. 楼梯间的扶手是否是可用的?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
8.53b Are all stair treads in good condition? Yes No
8.53b. 每一级阶梯是否处于良好状态?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
8.53c Are all stair widths in compliance with requirements of all relevant laws? Yes No
8.53c. 所有阶梯的宽度是否符合当地和国家的法律?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
8.53d Are the stairways provided with artificial and emergency lighting? Yes No
8.53d. 所有的阶梯是否安装应急灯?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
8.53e Are stairwells completely clear of obstructions? Yes No
8.53e. 所有的楼梯间是否没有堵塞?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
8.53f Does the facility ensure stairwells are not used for storage? Yes No
8.53f. 工厂是否能确保所有的楼梯间没有用来存放东西?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
8.54 Does your facility have a chemical safety program? Yes No
8.54 工厂是否有化学品安全政策?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
8.55Where applicable, does your facility properly store hazardous/toxic materials? Yes No
8.55 在要使用情况下,工厂是否适当地储存了有害有毒的物质?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
8.56 Does your facility have the required government storage and usage permits for chemicals, if required?
Yes No
8.56 工厂是否获得关于化学品的政府储存和使用的许可?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
8.57 Does your facility maintain documentation for chemical labeling (including fire safety), chemical usage warnings, and proper handling instructions? Yes No
8.57 工厂是否把化学品的标签,使用提醒及适当处理说明记录在案?(包括消防安全)
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
8.58 Does your facility ensure that all solvent wastes and flammable liquids are properly stored (including being kept in closed containers when not in use) at all times and kept away from potential ignition sources?
Yes No
8.58 工厂是否能确认所有可溶的废物和易燃的液体随时正确的存放,并且远离火源?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
8.59 Are the chemical storage areas free of ignition sources? Yes No
8.59 所有化学品的存放地方是否远离火源?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
8.60 Are all lamps and lights away from combustible chemicals? Yes No
8.60 所有的灯具是否远离易燃化学品?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
8.61Is the location of the boiler and compressor room consistent with all relevant requirements? (If no local or national laws apply, please describe the location of the boiler and compressor room.) Yes No
8.61 锅炉和空压机房的位置和设计是否和国家及当地的安全要求一致?(如果没有国家和当地的法律可参考,请描述锅炉房的位置和设计)
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
8.62 Are there housekeeping and maintenance procedures in place for the boiler and compressor rooms?
Yes No
8.62 关于锅炉和空压机是否有清洁和进行维护程序?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
8.63Are there any fuel leaks? Yes No
8.63 有没染料泄露?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
8.64Are the boilers and compressors inspected and serviced periodically? Yes No
8.64 锅炉和空压机是否定期检查和维护?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
8.65 Are the boiler licenses valid and authentic? Yes No
8.65 锅炉证是否真实有效?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
8.66 Is the boiler operator certificate valid and authentic? Yes No
8.66 锅炉操作证是否真实有效?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
DORMITORIES (If Applicable) 宿舍(如适用)
8.67 Are all national and local government health, safety, and fire safety certificates / permits, insurance policies and any relevant correspondence or documents from government officials in order for the dormitories?
Yes No
8.67 关于宿舍方面,所有的国家和当地政府的健康与安全和消防证书,保险单和其它相关文件是否都是来自政府机构,并且有效?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
8.68 Does the dormitory have a written safety program, including written emergency procedures to handle natural disasters, fire safety, and emergencies and industrial accidents? Yes No
8.68 宿舍是否有成文的安全方案,包含处理自然灾害,消防安全,紧急事件及工伤事故成文的紧急方案?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
8.69 What is the general appearance of your dormitory(ies): excellent, good, fair, or unacceptable?
8.69 宿舍总体外观为:极佳、良好、一般、不可接受
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
8.70 Does a visual inspection suggest concerns regarding the physical integrity of the dormitory building, proper lighting and ventilation, sanitary toilet areas, or clean dormitory facilities? Yes No
8.70 目测看来是否有关于宿舍楼的物理方面的建议需要关注,比如充足的照明通风,卫生的卫生间,或是干净的宿舍设施?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
8.71 Does the facility have an emergency evacuation plan of the dormitories in the native language(s) posted in view of the facility's workers? Yes No
8.71 工作是否在宿舍楼张贴当地语言的紧急疏散图以给工人参阅?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
8.72 Does the facility conduct regular emergency evacuation drills (at least semi-annual) in the dormitories? Yes No
8.72 工厂是否定期在宿舍进行消防演习(至少每半年一次)?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
8.73 Is the following safety equipment in the dormitory(ies):
8.73 在检查宿舍的过程中是否确认这些安全设备是
a. visible? 明显易见的 Yes No
b. appropriate in functionality and number? 数量合适,功能可用 Yes No
c. properly distributed throughout the facility? 合理地分布在工厂 Yes No
d. easily accessible? 容易取得 Yes No
e. properly mounted? 合适地安装好了 Yes No
f. unblocked and free of obstruction? 没有堵塞 Yes No
g. fire extinguishers are appropriate for the class(es) of fires expected in the area? 灭火器放在在可能发生火灾的位置 Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
8.74 Are exits unlocked during times when the dormitories are occupied to allow free, unobstructed exit from the dormitories? Yes No
8.74 工厂宿舍所有出口是否在有人时没有锁上,保持通畅、不妨碍人员自由出入?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
8.75 Are any aisles blocked or restricting easy access to emergency exits in the dormitory(ies)?
Yes No
8.75 工厂宿舍走廊及/或出口是否被堵塞,工人能否迅速通往紧急出口?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
Emergency Lighting 应急照明
8.76a Is appropriate lighting in place in the dormitory(ies)? Yes No
8.76a. 宿舍是否在合适的地方有充足的照明?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
8.76b Is the emergency power system in the dormitory(ies) working and in good condition? Yes No
8.76b. 应急电源系统处于良好的状态?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
8.76c Does your facility regularly conduct a test to ensure the system(s) in the dormitory(ies) is functioning properly? Yes No
8.76c. 工厂是否定期进行测试以确保这个系统处于正常运作状态?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
8.77 Are all stairwell handrails in good condition within the dormitories? Yes No
8.77 在宿舍里所有的楼梯扶手是否处于良好状态?
If No, please explain:
8.78 Are all stair treads in good condition within the dormitories? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
8.79 Are the stairways in the dormitories provided with artificial and emergency lighting? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
8.80aAre stairwells in the dormitories completely clear of obstructions? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
8.80b Does your facility ensure stairwells in the dormitory(ies) are not used for storage? Yes No
8.80b 工厂是否确认宿舍的楼梯间没有用来储存货物?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
8.81 Are the assembly points for the dormitories located in safe locations? Yes No
8.81 宿舍的疏散点是否处于安全位置?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
8.82 Is there clean drinking water that is easily accessible in the dormitories? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
8.83 Are the toilets and washrooms in the dormitories in sanitary and in serviceable condition? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
8.84 Is trash properly disposed of both inside and outside the dormitory facilities? Yes No
8.84 工厂的宿舍里外的垃圾是否得到合理的处理?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
Principle 9. Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining: Facilities will recognize and respect the right of employees to exercise their lawful rights of free association and collective bargaining.
Note: The facility must have documented policies and procedures supporting all WRAP principles.
9.1 Does your facility have written policies and procedures that recognize and respect the right of employees to exercise their lawful rights of free association? Yes No
9.1企业是否有成文规定,承认和尊重员工行使其自由结社及集体谈判的合法权利?是否有有效程 序和做法,以确保符合此项原则?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
9.2 Does your facility have a designated qualified person with responsibility for communicating, deploying, and monitoring the freedom of association practices as prescribed by labor law? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
9.3 Does your facility have a union, association, or collective representation of employees? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
9.4 If a union or collective association which represents the employees exists, does your facility consult with the worker representatives on any issues that are a requirement by law such as facility disclosures, mass lay-offs, restructuring of the business etc.? Yes No N/A
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
9.5 If the workers do have an organized group that addresses workplace issues, does this workers’ group operate free from coercion or illegal restrictions to its operations? Yes No N/A
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
9.6 If a lawful association of employees exists, is there any bargaining agreement or labor-management negotiation on workplace issues? Yes No N/A
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
9.7 Are there formal communication procedures between worker representatives and management?
Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
9.8 Does your facility enter into discussions with the workers representatives in an open manner and within the terms of local law? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
9.9 Are minutes of facility / worker representative meetings documented and available to the workers?
Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
9.10 Are workers representatives elected on a free and confidential basis by the workers? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
9.11 Does your facility discriminate against employees who form or participate in lawful associations?
Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
9.12 Does your facility discriminate against those who choose not to join any association? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
9.13 Does your facility communicate its policies and practices pertaining to this Principle to all facility employees and third parties (e.g., free zone office services, employment agencies) that may perform recruitment or screening of applicants? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
Principle 10.Environment: Facilities will comply with environmental rules, regulations
and standards applicable to their operations, and will observe environmentally conscious practices in all locations where they operate.
原则10.符合环境管理要求:企业须遵守适用于企业营运的环境管理条例、法规及准则, 并遵守其所在地环境保护的做法。
Note: The facility must have documented policies and procedures supporting all WRAP principles.
10.1 Does the facility have an environmental management system relevant to its industry?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
10.2 Does the facility have a formally designated qualified person with responsibility for communicating, deploying, and monitoring the environment practices elaborated upon in the environmental management system?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
10.3 Does the facility have a program and materials used to train relevant individuals on each practice of the environmental management system?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
10.4 Does the facility assess its ability to prevent and control harmful releases of industrial waste into the environment as a part of the environmental management system?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
10.5 Does the facility maintain a detailed plan for handling accidental release or discharge of environmentally dangerous materials?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
10.6 Does the facility maintain records of emission events?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
10.7 Does the facility environmental management system address where and how solid, chemical, sanitary and wastewater substances are disposed?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
10.8 Does the facility adequately communicate to all facility employees the relevant local and national laws and regulations as well as pertinent facility procedures concerning the environment principle?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
Principle 11.Customs Compliance: Facilities will comply with applicable customs laws,
and in particular, will establish and maintain programs to comply with customs laws regarding illegal transshipment of finished products.
Note: The facility must have documented policies and procedures supporting all WRAP principles.
11.1 Does your facility keep copies of all applicable customs laws and regulations? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
11.2a Does your facility’s policies and procedures on customs compliance cover the following requirements:
Compliance with all applicable customs laws and maintains practices to comply with customs laws regarding illegal transshipment of products. In the event possible illegal transshipment activity, appropriate host government agency will be notified? Yes No
遵守所有适用的海关法律法规,持续执行符合有关防止非法转运产品的海关法令程序。若有非 法转运活动,企业及时通知所在国有关部门。
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
11.2b Monitors its productions on a per style basis. Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
11.2c Traces country of origin using records such as production, shipping, verification reports, quality control reports, and individual piecework sheets, for all inputs. Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
11.2d Verifies production on an ongoing basis on-site and at sub-contracting facilities. Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
11.2e Maintains a facility machine inventory and updates it annually. Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
11.2f Ensures that the proper category designation is determined for all goods destined for the US market.
Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
11.3 Does your facility maintain an organized system of production documentation? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
11.4 Are the following records maintained?
a. Records of the country of origin for all goods produced in this facility. Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
b. A production profile of any subcontracting facility. This facility requests documents from the subcontracting facilities when questions regarding goods produced at those facilities arise. Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
c. Production/purchase orders (with information such as conditions of production, payment, and finished product specifications). Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
d. Raw material invoices (indicating country/origin/manufacturing facility). Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
e. Shipping/receiving documents (outgoing and incoming records of components/inputs sent to or received from another facility). Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
f. Employee work records – accurate records of employee work hours that can be linked to the production of specific products. Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
g. Quality control records (which may include facility name and address, purchase order number, style number, date of the quality check, buyer, name, stamp or signature of inspector, comments on production). Yes No
g质量控制记录(可包括企业名称及地址、购货订单编号、款式编号、质量检查日期、买家姓 名、检查员盖章或签名、生产评语)。
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
h. Export documents (including: packing list, manifest, bill of lading/airway bill from truck, ship, plane or train indicating the export date, exporting entity, destination, shipping lines, importing entity, and any charges incurred). Yes No
/空运单(卡车、轮船、飞机或火车),说明出口日期、出口单位、目的地、货运路线、进口单位 及有关任何费用〕
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
i. Outward processing production (if applicable, copies of the outward processing program designated by the domestic government, copies of compliance review reports, documentation demonstrating the flow of goods from one facility to another). Yes No
i外发加工生产(如适用,本地政府指定的外发加工项目的复本;遵守法令审核报告复本;及 说明由一企业流往另一企业的货物的文件等)。
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
j. Number of units produced marked with a traceable mark. Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
k. Machine inventory records, updated at least once a year Yes No
k. 机器存货清单记录(至少每年更新一次)
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
l. Documented confirmation of the correct category and country of origin for goods through verification of correct country of origin such as binding rulings from the US Customs Service, confirmation with purchasing company, knowledgeable/trained staff, etc. Yes No
l.正确货物类别及原产国的确认记录,确认方法为:美国海关服务处的判定,与买方公司的确 认,企业内部有相关知识/受训过的员工,等等。
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
m. Documentation on how the qualified person with responsibility for this Principle communicates, deploys, and monitors the facility’s customs compliance policies. Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
11.5a Do the facility’s production records include verification of sub-contractor performance? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
11.5b What records are used? 请说明工厂使用哪些档案记录
l Date and location of the verification审核日期与地点 Yes No
l Product(s) verified 所审核产品 Yes No
l Purchasing company 采购公司 Yes No
l Style number 款式编号 Yes No
l Phase of production 生产过程 Yes No
l Reference indicator for employee(s) performingoperation执行生产的员工的参考编号 Yes No
l Name/stamp or signature of verifying official 审核人员的姓名/盖章或签名 Yes No
11.6Has the facility designated a qualified person with responsibility for communicating, deploying, and monitoring customs compliance? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
11.7 Does the responsible person ensure that such origin determining documents are maintained for at least the period of record retention required by law? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
11.8Does the responsible person ensure that all subcontracting facilities complete a production profile and keeps such profiles on file? Yes No N/A
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
11.9 Does your facility verify production at subcontracting facilities when necessary through the review of requested documentation or personal visits (recording such instances of production verification and keeping on file)?
Yes No
11.9必要时,企业是否通过在分包方企业审查相关文件或亲自到访来验证分包商生产;记录此验证 并存档?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
11.10 Does the responsible person stay current with possible illegal transshipment activity in the host country through communication with appropriate bodies such as the host government, trade association, contact with U.S. Customs, corporate importing office etc., and be responsible for maintaining files on any known transhippers or transshipment activities determined to be in the host country or with a country from which facility sources? Yes No
11.10通过与企业生产国相关部门(政府、配额协会或配额发放机构、贸易协会、美国海关、进口公 司等等)接触,负责人是否了解此国最新非法转运活动动向,并负责保存生产所在国及原料进口国 转运公司或转运活动的记录?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
Principle 12. Security:Facilities will maintain facility security procedures to guard
against the introduction of non-manifested cargo into outbound shipments (i.e. drugs, explosives biohazards and /or other contraband).
原则12.符合安全规定:企业须维持其安保程序,以防止未经许可的货物出口(如毒品、 爆炸物、生物危险品和/或违禁品)。
Note: The facility must have documented policies and procedures supporting all WRAP principles.
12.1 Does your facility have practices to guard against the introduction of contraband (e.g. drugs, explosives, biohazards, and/or other contraband; any non-manifested cargo will be referred to as contraband.)?
Yes No
12.1企业是否有防止引进违禁品的做法(如毒品、爆炸物、生物危险品和/或其它违禁品;所有未 经许可的货物均归类于违禁品)?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
12.2 Has your facility designated a qualified person with responsibility for communicating, deploying, and monitoring security policies and procedures? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
Container and Trailer Security
Foreign manufacturers are responsible for loading trailers and containers; they should work with the carrier to provide reassurance that there are effective security procedures and controls implemented at the point-of-
Container Inspection
12.3a Does your facility have documented procedures in place to verify the physical integrity of the container structure prior to loading? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
12.3b Does the procedure include the reliability of the locking mechanisms of the doors? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
12.3c Does the facility conduct a seven-point inspection process for all containers and keep records of all inspections?
12.3c 企业是否在对所有集装箱进行“七点检查”并保存所有检查记录?
Front wall 前部
Yes No
Left side 左侧
Yes No
Right side右侧
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Inside/outside doors门内外
Yes No
Yes No
If the answer to any of the above points is no please state the alternative method used.
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
Trailer Inspection
12.4a Does your facility have procedures in place to verify the physical integrity of the trailer structure prior to loading, including the reliability of the locking mechanisms of the doors? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
Is the facility following five-point inspection process is recommended for all trailers?
Fifth wheel area - check natural compartment/skid plate
Yes No
Yes No
Exterior - front/sides前部/侧面
Yes No
Yes /No是/否
Rear - bumper/doors后部 –防撞杠/门
Yes No
Front wall前部
Yes No
Left side左侧
Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
Container and Trailer Seals
12.5a Does your facility affix a high security seal to all loaded trailers and containers bound for the U.S.?
Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
12.5b Do seals meet or exceed the current ISO 17712 standards for high security seals? Yes No
12.5b封条是否达到或超过现有的PASISO 17712标准对高安全性封条的要求?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
12.5cDoes your facility have documented procedures stipulating how seals are to be controlled and affixed to loaded containers and trailers? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
12.5d Does your facility have documented procedures for recognizing and reporting compromised seals and/or containers/trailers to US Customs and Border Protection or the appropriate local authority? Yes No
12.5d企业是否有备有证明文件的程序向美国海关边境保护局或相关当地机构识别和报告异常封条 和/或集装箱/拖车?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
12.5e Does your facility have designated employees for the distribution of seals for integrity purposes?
Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
Container and Trailer Storage
12.6aIs the security of containers and trailers located within the facility maintained? Yes No
Are they in a secure area to prevent unauthorized access and/or manipulation? Yes No
它们是否位于安全区域,未被授权不可进入和/或操 作?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
12.6b Does your facility have documented procedures in place for reporting and neutralizing unauthorized entry into containers/trailers or container/trailer storage areas? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
Physical Access Controls
Access controls prevent unauthorized entry to facilities, maintain control of employees and visitors, and protect company assets. Access controls must include the positive identification of all employees, visitors, and vendors at all points of entry.
12.7 Does your facility have a physical access control procedure? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
12.8a Does your facility have an employee identification system in place for positive identification and access control purposes? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
12.8bDoesyour facility ensure that employees are only given access to those areas needed for the performance of their duties? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
12.8cDoesyour facility control the issuance and removal of employee, visitor and vendor identification badges?
Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
12.8dDoes your facility have documented procedures for the issuance, removal and changing of access devices (e.g. keys, key cards, etc.)? Yes No
12.8d关于出入装置(如钥匙、钥 匙卡等)的发放、收回和变动,企业是否有备有文件的程序?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
12.9 Do visitors present photo identification for documentation purposes upon arrival? All visitors should be escorted and should visibly display temporary identification. Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
Deliveries (including mail)
12.10Is vendor ID and/or photo identification required to be presented for documentation purposes upon arrival by all vendors? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
Challenging and Removing Unauthorized Persons
12.11 Does your facility have documented procedures in place to identify, challenge and address unauthorized/unidentified persons? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
Personnel Security
12.12 Does your facility have documented procedures in place to screen prospective employees and to periodically check current employees? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
Pre-Employment Verification
12.13Doesyour facility verify application information, such as employment history and references, prior to employment? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
Background Checks / Investigations
12.14a How does your facility conduct background checks and investigations for prospective employees?
Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
12.14b Once employed, are periodic checks and reinvestigations performed based on cause, and/or the sensitivity of the employee’s position? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
Personnel Termination Procedures
12.15 Does your facility have procedures in place to remove identification, facility, and system access for terminated employees? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
Procedural Security
Security measures must be in place to ensure the integrity and security of processes relevant to the transportation, handling, and storage of cargo in the supply chain.
Documentation Processing
12.16Are documented procedures in place to ensure that all information used in the clearing of merchandise/cargo is legible, complete, accurate, and protected against the exchange, loss or introduction of erroneous information? Yes No
12.16是否有备有文件的程序确保所有用于商品/货物结算的信息是合法、完整、准确并防止被交换、 遗失或带有错误信息。
Does documentation control include safeguarding computer access and information? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
Manifesting Procedures
12.17Are documented procedures in place to help ensure the integrity of cargo? Yes No
Is the information received from business partners reported accurately and in a timely manner? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
Shipping and Receiving
12.18aIs cargo that is being shipped reconciled against information on the cargo manifest?
Please give a summary of your facility’s practices:
12.18b Is all cargo accurately describedand are the weights, labels, marks, and piece count indicated and verified?
Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
12.18c Does your facility verify departing cargo against purchase or delivery orders? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
12.18d Are drivers delivering or receiving cargo positively identified before cargo is received or released?
Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
12.18e Are documented procedures in place to track the timely movement of incoming and outgoing goods?
Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
Cargo Discrepancies
12.19a Are all shortages, overages, and other significant discrepancies or anomalies resolved and/or investigated appropriately? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
12.19b Are customs and/or other appropriate law enforcement agencies notified if anomalies, illegal or suspicious activities are detected - as appropriate? Yes No
12.19b 如适用,当发现异常、非法或可疑活动时,是否告知海关和/或其他相关的执法机构?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
Physical Security
Cargo handling and storage facilities in international locations must have physical barriers and deterrents that guard against unauthorized access.
12.20aDoes perimeter fencing enclose the areas around cargo handling and storage facilities? Yes No
Note: If the facilities perimeter is the sidewalk, what security measures are in place?
Please explain:
If No, please explain:
12.20b Is interior fencing within a cargo handling structure used to segregate domestic, international, high value, and hazardous cargo? Yes No
12.20b 在货物装卸区域内的围墙内部是否分隔国内、国外、高价值和危险货物?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
12.20c Is all fencing regularly inspected for integrity and damage? Yes No
12.20c 是否所有的围墙定期检查他们的完整度和损坏度?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
Gates and Gate Houses
12.21Are the gates through which vehicles and/or personnel enter or exit manned and/or monitored?
Yes No
The number of gates should be kept to the minimum necessary for proper access and safety.
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
12.22Are private passenger vehicles prohibited from parking in or adjacent to cargo handling and storage areas? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
Building Structure
12.23a Are buildings constructed of materials that resist unlawful entry? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
12.23b Is the integrity of structures maintained by periodic inspection and repair? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
Locking Devices and Key Controls
12.24Are all external and internal windows, gates, and fences secured with locking devices? Yes No
Does management or security personnel control the issuance of all locks and keys? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
12.25 Is adequate lighting provided inside and outside the facility including in the following areas: entrances and exits, cargo handling and storage areas, fence lines and parking areas? Yes No
12.25在企业内外是否提供足够的照明?包括以下区域:入口和出口,货物装卸和存放区域,警 戒线和停车区
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
Alarms Systems and Video Surveillance Cameras
12.26Are alarm systems and video surveillance cameras utilized to monitor premises and prevent unauthorized access to cargo handling and storage areas? Yes No
Note: If alternative methods are used please state what they are and their adequacy.
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
Information Technology Security
Password Protection
12.27aDoes your facilityhave automated systems for individually assigned accounts that require a periodic change of password? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
12.27b Does your facility have documented IT security policies, procedures, and standards in place?
Yes No
Are they provided to employees in the form of training? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
12.28 Does your facility have a system in place to identify the abuse of IT including improper access, tampering, or the altering of business data? Yes No
Are all system violators subject to appropriate disciplinary actions for abuse? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
Security Training and Threat Awareness
12.29a Does your facility have a threat awareness program in place and is it maintained by security personnel to recognize and foster awareness of the threat posed by terrorists and contraband smugglers at each point in the supply chain? Yes No
12.29a企业是否有威胁意识项目并由安保人员建立和维护,以识别和培养由恐怖分子和走私者制造 的威胁意识?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
12.29b Does yourfacility make employees aware of the procedures the company has in place to address a security situation and how to report it? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
12.29c Does your facility give additional training to employees in the shipping and receiving areas, as well as those receiving and opening mail? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
12.29d Does your facility undertake additional, specific training to assist employees in maintaining cargo integrity, recognizing internal conspiracies, and protecting access controls? Yes No
12.29d除此之外,企业是否进行针对性的培训,以帮助员工维持货物完整性、识别内部阴谋和保 护出入控制?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain:
12.29e Do these programs offer incentives for active employee participation? Yes No
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
If No, please explain: